Your key to feel sustainably fulfilled and inspired in your career.
''It's like going to the gym for your career''
Fiona Livingston
I created a series of 90-min group coaching experiences to address the most common topics I've seen our clients struggling with in their careers. In these workshops you will learn through practical, fun and enlightening activities. You will leave with a toolkit to continue your self-development journey post workshop.
Workshop dates will be announced soon, join our waiting list to receive updates
Find or Refine
Your Business Idea
Step-by-step method to uncover a business idea that feels perfectly aligned with who you are, your experiences, skills and interests. This workshop is for aspiring entrepreneurs at the very beginning of their journey.
Infuse Fun and Happiness In Your Career
In this workshop, we will show you ways to feel more enthusiastic about your career, job and/or role. You will leave with a toolkit to help you feel sustainably happy and inspired in your career.
Learn To Set Healthy Boundaries At Work
Setting boundaries in your career is a healthy way to protect or improve your work/life harmony. In this workshop, you will learn to feel comfortable to say ''no'' without guilt.
Free Your Mind From Stress And Mental Load
This workshop is for you if you often feel stressed at work or if work stress impacts the rest of your life (e.g night time insomnia, snapping at family members, etc.). You will learn steps to manage your mental load and feel a new sense of calm and inner peace.
Master Time & Energy Management
You should attend this workshop if you feel disorganised, constantly running around and always late for something. If your life is centered around ''being busy'' and you never have time to do anything you really want to do, this workshop will literally change your life.